Why YOU Should Use a Mortgage Broker

Whether you are looking to purchase your first home, refinance your mortgage or just found out you don’t qualify at your bank, you should consider using a mortgage broker…

Unlike your bank’s mortgage specialists (who are employed by a specific organization and therefore mandated to sell that organization’s products), mortgage brokers have access to several lenders and can help connect you with one that has the best mortgage solution for you.

The right broker will represent YOUR interests as a borrower, as they have a wealth of knowledge in mortgage lending, both from formal training and experience.

Choose a broker with a solid reputation for getting the job done and let them go to work for you (the service is most often of no charge to you) – Let them get (for you) the perfect combination of rate, qualifying conditions and “fine print” as it ALL MAKES A DIFFERENCE… and this is where you want someone “on your side”.

EasyApproval.ca can help – and with the FREE Mortgage Payment Contest, you could be saving more than you ever imagined…

Peter Motem is a licensed mortgage broker in Georgetown, serving Burlington, Oakville, Halton and surrounding areas. If you’re ready to apply for a mortgage click here or if you have any mortgage questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Peter.