So the US Inflation numbers (to be released tomorrow) are expected to match (the figure from March) a 40 year high – all but paving the way for more rate increases. The overall consumer price index (CPI) is expected to decline though (but still at a “too high” 8.1% clip).
Housing is playing a big part (“same here at home in Ontario”) as rental inflation is surging and really throwing a wrench into the central bankers decision making.
“Yes of course” they do take a wide basket of factors into calculating the CPI (and many off those are actually declining as they had hoped) but with housing costs taking up so much of everyone’s budget – rental inflation is expected to remain high for several months (according to Fed Governor Christopher Waller just this past week).
Now let’s look more “cup half full” too while we are at it… in the US (as typically “such goes Canada”) excluding food, energy and shelter, inflation is still high — up 6.4% in August… but a better looking number.
Used car and truck prices, a key driver of inflation last year, are set to drop for a third straight month, but by a much greater extent (used car prices are expected to fall 2% in September, a reflection of a decline in wholesale prices)
So how do you take advantage? let’s see if it’s right for you… and get out shopping for an investment property (so you can be on the winning side of rental inflation)
There can be much upside in buying now as you will be collecting income (which is not expected to slow anytime soon with immigration playing a big part in the economy) and riding the wave of future asset appreciation.
Call today and let’s go over the pros and cons and come up with a plan that works for you and your future….
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